Wednesday 28 April 2010

New Work: Theseus Ensemble Logo Design

A logo for use on the website, programmes and tickets of this London based classical music ensemble.

Thursday 22 April 2010

New Work: The Marrakech Express

My girlfriend is beautiful, intelligent and exotic. Sometimes she uses these qualities to make me do things for her. Like design posters.

She recently got back from Morrocco, and with her she brought a horde of goodies to sell. The sale will be taking place soon, so if you're in the area and need a camel leather bag then come on down.

New Work: Cycling Map of Detroit

I'll bet you didn't know that Canada is sometimes South of the USA!

A map drawn for the ever excellent Momentum Cycling magazine. I've never been to Detroit so I have to hope that it is in some way accurate and representative, rather than just pretty.

Bonus points if you spotted my little tribute to Motown. Reward yourself with *This*